The Guild rules


1 § Name of the Association

The name of the association is Sähköinsinöörikilta ry. The term “guild” is used to refer to the association in these rules.

2 § Purpose of the Guild

The purpose of the guild is to serve as a unifying force for students in the electrical engineering, electronics, and telecommunications engineering programs of the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Oulu. The guild aims to stimulate and maintain the interest of its members in professional, educational, and general societal issues. It advocates for the interests of its members within the university and professional communities and maintains relationships with other, especially domestic and international, organizations in the same field. The guild monitors order and moral conduct among its members and fosters a healthy teekkari spirit.

3 § Activities of the Guild

To fulfill its purpose, the guild engages in educational, informational, and publishing activities to enhance the professional and societal knowledge of its members. The guild provides study materials to its members without seeking profit, organizes study trips and internship placement, maintains clubs and hobby groups, arranges sports and recreational events, as well as entertainment and cultural events. The guild may engage in fundraising activities, organize sales events, paid entertainment, and similar initiatives to support its activities.

The guild may own a property or other premises necessary for its activities.

4 § Domicile and Language of the Guild

The domicile of the guild is the city of Oulu, and the official language of the guild is Finnish.

5 § Connections with Other Organizations

The guild collaborates with the University of Oulu Student Union and Oulun Teekkariyhdistys ry and follows the regulations concerning its activities.


6 § Guild Members

Regular Members of the Guild: All students in the electrical engineering, electronics, and telecommunications engineering programs of the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Oulu, whose membership application has been approved by the guild board.

Senior Member: After completing a master’s degree in electrical engineering, electronics, or telecommunications engineering, a regular member becomes a senior member.

Supporting Members: An individual or legal entity supporting the guild’s objectives by paying the annual membership fee determined by the guild’s general meeting may be accepted as a supporting member.

Honorary Members: The guild may appoint an individual as an honorary member to show respect.

7 § Rights of Members

All guild members have the right to attend and speak at guild meetings. Only regular members have the right to vote at guild meetings. Eligible for election at guild meetings are regular members. Senior members are eligible for election only as officials of the guild, not as members of the board.

8 § Resignation of a Member

A guild member who wishes to resign from the guild must inform the guild board or its chairperson in writing, or declare their resignation at a guild meeting to be recorded in the minutes. The resignation is considered effective from the date of notification.

9 § Expulsion of a Member

The guild meeting, by a majority of 3/4 votes, may reprimand a member who behaves inappropriately. The guild meeting, by a majority of 3/4 votes, may suspend or expel a member for a specified period or permanently if their actions significantly harm the guild within or outside the organization.

10 § Discipline

By unanimous decision of the guild board, disciplinary penalties may be imposed, prohibiting a member from participating in guild events, in addition to revoking voting rights and eligibility. This may occur if a member has harmed the guild or behaved inappropriately within or outside the guild, or does not deserve the trust expected of a guild member.

11 § Membership Fees

Regular, senior, and honorary members are not required to pay membership fees. Supporting members are required to pay the annual membership fee determined by the guild’s general meeting.


12 § Guild Meeting

The guild meeting exercises authority within the guild. Regular meetings of the guild include the annual general meeting and the election meeting.

13 § Meeting Invitation

The guild board convenes the guild meeting. The meeting invitation must be sent to the email list of regular guild members or another official communication channel designated by the election meeting at least seven (7) days before the meeting. The meeting invitation must include the agenda, and statutory matters must always be mentioned in the meeting invitation.

If the agenda includes important financial matters, the appointment of an honorary member, a personal election, dismissal from office or the guild, changes to the rules, dissolution of the guild, purchase, sale, or encumbrance of real property, or the review of a decision made during the same term, it must be mentioned in the meeting invitation.

14 § Decision-Making Authority of Guild Meetings

A meeting duly convened according to the rules is quorate.

15 § Annual Guild Meeting

The annual guild meeting must be held in February or March. At the annual meeting:

  1. The activity report, financial statements, and the auditors’ report of the previous term are presented.
  2. Decisions are made on approving the financial statements and granting discharge from liability to the previous term’s board and other responsible individuals.
  3. Other possible matters are discussed.

16 § Election Meeting of the Guild

The guild election meeting must be held between the first day of November and the fifteenth day of December. At the election meeting:

  1. The chairperson of the board for the next term is elected.
  2. The secretary, treasurer, communications officer, master of ceremonies, excursion master, study affairs officer, and freshman affairs officer are elected.
  3. The responsibilities of the board members and officials for the next term are defined, considering the provisions of §20.
  4. The other members of the board for the next term are elected.
  5. Two auditors and two deputy auditors are elected for the next financial year.
  6. Decisions are made on supporting member fees.
  7. Decisions are made on the action plan for the next term.
  8. Decisions are made on the budget for the next term.
  9. The roles of officials are defined for the next term.
  10. Officials are elected for the next term.
  11. The oltermanni for the next year is appointed.
  12. The elder for the next year is appointed from among the senior members.
  13. Other possible matters are discussed.

17 § Extraordinary Guild Meeting

The guild board may call an extraordinary guild meeting as needed. The guild meeting must also be called if at least 1/10 of eligible voting members demand it in writing for a specific purpose. The guild meeting must be held within two weeks of the submission of the demand, excluding the period between May 1st and August 31st.

18 § Handling of Matters

A matter presented for the first time must be postponed if one-tenth, but at least five, of the present eligible voting members demand it. A personel election cannot be postponed.

A matter that, according to the previous section, should be postponed can be dealt with urgently immediately if it has been mentioned in the meeting invitation and the meeting, with a 3/4 majority, decides to do so. An issue not mentioned in the meeting invitation can be considered if the meeting unanimously agrees, taking into account the provisions of §13 and the Association Act §23.

A vote at the meeting is conducted openly unless at least two members request a secret ballot with sealed votes. Proxy voting is not allowed. Two auditors and two deputy auditors are elected for the next financial year. In a personal election, the candidate who receives more than half of the votes wins. If none of the candidates receives more than half of the votes, a second round will be held between the top two candidates from the first two rounds. Other issues are decided by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairperson’s vote decides, except in a personal election, where a draw is possible.

19 § Meeting Minutes

Minutes must be kept at guild meetings. The minutes must be reviewed and signed by the chairperson and secretary of the meeting, as well as two members elected as minutes reviewers from among the eligible voting participants in the meeting.

Minutes reviewers cannot act as vote counters.

A list of participants must be kept at guild meetings, which is attached to the minutes of the meeting.


20 § Chairperson of the Board

The Chairperson of the guild board is elected at the election meeting for the next term. The Chairperson of the board is also referred to as the Chairperson of the guild.

The duties of the Chairperson include:

  1. Leading the activities of the guild.
  2. Ensuring the implementation of decisions made at guild and board meetings.
  3. Chairing meetings of the board and guild meetings, excluding meetings where the election of auditors, approval of financial statements, or discharge from liability is discussed, in which the Chairperson is responsible.

21 § Composition of the Board

The board includes the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Coordinator, Guild master, Excursion master, Study Coordinator, Freshman Representative, and up to four other members.

The board selects a Vice-Chairperson from among its members.

The Secretary, or in their absence, another board member, keeps minutes of board meetings. The secretary also keeps minutes of guild meetings and handles guild correspondence and archives.

The Communications Coordinator manages communication with members and stakeholders and serves as the editor-in-chief of the guild’s magazine.

The Treasurer manages the guild’s finances, accounting, and inventory list. The treasurer proposes the budget for the next term, which must be submitted to the guild board one week before the election meeting. The treasurer must submit the accounts to the board no later than February and, when leaving office, or when requested by the guild board.

The Guild master manages and oversees the organization of parties and similar events.

The excursion master organizes excursions for guild members and acts as the leader on those trips.

The Freshman Representative is responsible for introducing new members to the guild spirit, traditions, activities, and general academic customs.

The Study Coordinator handles issues related to studies and prepares initiatives to improve study practices.

22 § Duties of the Board

The duties of the guild board are to:

  1. Safeguard the interests and reputation of the guild.
  2. Act as the executive body of the guild.
  3. Prepare and present to the election meeting a proposal for the action plan for the next term.
  4. Prepare and present to the election meeting a proposal for the budget for the next term.
  5. Prepare and present to the election meeting a proposal for the responsibilities of board members and officials for the next term.
  6. Prepare and present to the annual meeting the activity report for its term.
  7. Prepare other matters to be discussed at guild meetings.
  8. Establish committees as necessary.
  9. Approve new members of the guild, except honorary members, and maintain a member registry.

23 § Board Meetings

The board must meet at least once a month between January 1st – May 31st and September 1st – December 31st. The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson convenes the board by sending invitations to other board members. Additionally, notice of the meeting must be given to regular guild members via email or another official communication channel designated by the election meeting on the preceding working day. Board meetings can be held entirely electronically if all board members agree.

The board is quorate when more than half of its members are present, including the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson. Proxy voting is not allowed.

24 § Removal of a Board Member

The guild meeting, by a 2/3 majority vote, may remove a board member. The removal of a board member must be announced in the meeting invitation.

A new board member must be elected at the guild meeting, which must be held no later than two weeks after the aforementioned meeting.

25 § Guild Officials

Officials of guild include at least:

  1. Juottaja (Solderer)
  2. Emäntä/Isäntä (Host/Hostess)
  3. Urheiluvastaava (Sports Coordinator)
  4. Laulunjohtaja (Choir Director)

Guild’s meeting or board, in two consecutive meetings, may also appoint other officials or create new positions.


26 § Guild Operating and Financial Year

The operating and financial year of guild is the calendar year.

27 § Authority to Sign for the Guild

The authority to sign for guild is held by the chairman together with either the vice-chairman or the treasurer.

28 § Guild’s Oltermanni

Guild’s general meeting appoints oltermanni for one year at a time, a teacher from the electronics and telecommunications engineering program of the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Oulu.

The oltermanni’s task is to support guild’s activities and act as a liaison between guild and the department staff.

29 § Insignia

Guild’s insignia include:

  1. Silver lightning emblem for regular and senior members, worn on the teekkarilakki (student cap).
  2. Golden lightning emblem for former and current board members and kiltavanhin (oldest member), worn on the teekkarilakki in the “drop” of the tassel rope.
  3. Oltermanni’s staff for the oltermanni.

The golden lightning emblem may also be awarded to a member who has commendably served the interests of the guild.

30 § Amendment of Rules

A matter concerning the amendment of rules must be approved by a majority of at least 3/4 in two consecutive meetings, with at least a two-week interval.

31 § Dissolution of the Guild

A decision to dissolve the guild must be approved by a majority of at least 3/4 in two consecutive meetings, with at least a two-week interval.

32 § Distribution of Assets in Dissolution

In the event of guild’s dissolution or cessation, the remaining assets must be transferred to a registered association continuing similar activities, or if none, to Oulun Teekkariyhdistys ry (Oulu Teekkari Association).